Day Seven: Rest Day

Weight: -.6

I woke up .6 down. Not a major loss, but not a gain either.. I’ll go with beef as non-reactive for now.

In other news I am full of energy and I have absolutely no idea where it is coming from. I ran errands this morning, walked on the tred mill this afternoon. The last thing I’ve wanted to do all day was sit on the couch.. which is significant for me. In the book it says strenuous activity can prohibit weight loss so I tried not to overdo it. Walked about 2 miles.

Today is considered a “rest” day but I get to eat another one of my favorite guilty  pleasure foods- potato chips! Who eats potato chips on a diet? Hopefully I can say I do.

I’ve run into a reoccurring issue with this diet.. I’m not a big fan of the measurements. Several meals and snacks are measured out in ounces and I cannot find a clear way of measuring an ounce of food. You can find visual references online but it seems pretty innacurate to eyeball a portion of food. Luckily, my mom has a food scale so I’ll be measuring my portions from now on. Especially because I’m pretty sure last night I thought I was eating one ounce of dark chocolate but accidentally ate two-ish. Yikes.