Day Six: Protien

Weight: -1.0

I had a pretty good feeling that the Rye was not reactive for me- and I was correct! I lost yet another pound, making my grand total up to eight pounds lost! If this isn’t motivation I don’t know what is! I don’t know a single diet I’ve been on that has helped me lose eight pounds in six days AND being totally healthy while doing it.

I’m feeling pretty lightheaded again today, in fact every single time I get up from the couch I have to take a moment so that I don’t pass out. Probably not the best and I really need to figure out what’s going on because I clearly could not function at any kind of job with this kind of weakness. 

I’m loving that for the most part Lyn-Genet Recitas makes you prepare not only dinner, but then something for lunch the next day. Last night's veggies on top of some mixed greens was absolutely delightful for lunch today especially with the addition of goat cheese.

For dinner I chose beef as my new protein. I used one of my Dad’s beef burgers from Omaha Steaks. My choice in retrospect concerns me a bit only because it’s not the leanest meat and it’s not grass-fed beef. She didn’t really remark upon whether it needs to be grass-fed but for my own sanity I think I will be buying better quality in the future. That being said, the burger was delicious. This dinner seemed heartier than others.. which of course immediately concerns me that I’m going to have a reaction and gain weight. I guess we’ll see.