Day Sixteen: Two Proteins


Weight +.6


Ahhhhh! I made a diet whoopsie. I was really busy yesterday and totally forgot to drink my last two glasses of water. By the time 10:30pm rolled around I looked on the kitchen counter and there were my final two glasses of water.. sitting and completely full. I even had the glass in my hand and just failed to drink it! I was so thirsty- I finally just gave up and drank the damn thing. Clearly, I was a little distracted yesterday and I will attribute my gain to my late night water drinking (especially since it was a rest day).

Today’s test was two proteins in one day. Lyn-Genet says to pay attention and look for signs of fatigue in the afternoon after having protein for lunch. I didn’t notice any feeling of exhaustion- in fact I was very busy today cooking tomorrow’s lunch items and cleaning my room. Hopefully the scale will balance out- I do not want to wake up tomorrow and be anywhere near where I was today.

In other news, I think I have finally mastered broccoli. As you know, I HATE it. I’m sorry, it’s just not appealing at all. Every single time I make it by itself on this diet I barely get through it. Tonight I used part olive oil, part butter, then red pepper flakes and garlic powder and it made a world of a difference.