Day Twenty: Just The Beginning


Total Pounds Lost: -12.7


Wow, I cannot believe that I actually got through the twenty days. Not only that, I really followed these twenty days without cheating. That’s HUGE. Besides losing 12.7 pounds in twenty days (which is fantastic), there also been a couple of other noticeable improvements with my health while on this anti-diet.

1)   My skin has been consistently clear and perfectly balanced. I’m not saying I had horrible skin before- however, I do get a solid breakout from time to time (I have really difficult combination but sensitive skin). Since going on this diet, my skin looks smooth and clear. Fantastic perk if you ask me!

2)   I have the worst allergies known to man. All year round. Indoor, outdoor, I suffer. While on this diet, my allergies have calmed down a lot. Before starting my twenty days I was taking prescription medication, an over the counter daily pill AND a nasal spray. Can you imagine? And after these twenty days I’ve actually been surviving with just my prescribed allergy medicine. It’s a miracle!

Final Conclusion:

As far as where do I go from here.. I am absolutely going to try to continue on eating Plan Friendly foods and testing new ones to add balance into my diet and continue weight loss. I’m so excited to have a bunch of new foods and recipes in my arsenal. Before doing the twenty days my only go-to breakfast item was eggs and sausage and now I have so many more options! Same with bread- who knew I could actually eat white bread and lose weight? This diet changed A LOT of rules for me and thank god it did or I was going to continue down a path of being completely misinformed. I always knew that I was eating foods that were making me sick but I could never put my finger on what. This is by far the most effective diet I have ever done.  It’s not a quick fix, it’s not a fad, it’s a LIFE STYLE change. My eating life is changed and I couldn’t be happier about it.