Day Fourteen: Breakfast Test

Weight -.5


Today I had the choice of changing up my breakfast again. Since I haven’t tested eggs yet I figured it was the perfect opportunity to try them out. I was very nervous that this may be my biggest inflammatory food since in the past year I’ve gained twenty pounds and the only real dietary change I’ve had is eating eggs every morning. I only ate one fried egg with two tablespoons of evoo then a rye cracker with blueberries and almond butter. Immediately, the egg hit my stomach like a bomb. I swear, it was so sour and it took a good long time for the feeling to pass. If that’s not a sure fire sign of reactivity I don’t know what is!

Otherwise the day was very mild- I think to help reverse any damage that may have been done earlier this morning.  And I redeemed myself and made the most delicious and satisfying scallops I’ve ever made. That’s more like it.