Day Eight: Bread

Weight: +.1

Frustration. I’ve gained .1 on a rest day. I’m confused and annoyed. Lyn-Genet gives you a check list of reasons why you could have gained weight. Maybe it was my sodium intake? I ate one ounce of salted dark chocolate last night. I’m a bit frustraited because I’ve been following this plan to the tea and now I’m stagnant. I’ve been reading someone else’s blog and she cheated several times and was still losing weight. Typical.

Today’s new challenge is white bread.

I cannot even remember the last time I had a white bread sand witch- and it did not disappoint. What a treat. I would be so pleasantly surprised if I get to pass this test. Please let me pass this test. Please?

Generally today I’ve felt really hungry. Maybe I’m not eating enough? Maybe that would explain why I’m not losing much? I think I’m going to chill out on having such huge portions of dark chocolate and have that recommended glass of red wine tonight.