Day Nine: Rest Day

Weight: -.5 

That's more like it! I was getting really scared things were coming to a slow hault- which is usually what happens around this time when I diet. This morning was a nice reminder to keep going. (Especially since last night I had filet mignon and a nice glass of wine last night)

Today was a rest day, nothing too exciting to report on Day Nine. However, I will be making a slight change to the 20 days. I'm going away on vacation for the next two days and Lyn-Genet suggested that if/when you test a restaurant follow day 18 to the tea. So I've prepared two days worth of my normal meals, flax granola, butternut squash soup, spinach salad, 1 ounce bags of unsalted chips and guacamole. It's going to be quite a will-power test but I'm fully prepared to make a complete ass of myself smuggling soup and salad in my purse to keep up this weight loss! Silly I know- but if you haven't gathered already from my blog I don't half-way do things, it's either all or nothing. Wish me luck! I really don't want to come back five pounds heavier and erase all of my hard work. Eeek.