Ground Hog Day: Day Nine (Repeated)

I'm back from vacation and ready to get back to work! For the most part my prepared foods that I brought with me worked out fine. It also saved me a bunch of money I would have spent eating breakfast and lunch out. I am however, terrified of stepping on the scale. I feel like it wont do me any good to look at those numbers after deviating from the plan a bit. I was good the first night out and only ate foods that are approved so far on my plan- however, on the second night I totally free-for-alled and had delicious mexican at Rosa Mexicano... ate cheese, corn tortillas, and lots and lots of SALT.

So here's what I'm up to: I'm going to repeat day nine today (which is a rest day) and weight myself in the morning.. If I am a couple pounds up then I'll take another rest day just to completely rid my body of all the extra stuff I wasn't necessarily supposed to be eating (she says inflammation can take up to 48 hours to get out of the system). That way I can continue on with a fresh start. Stick with me and we'll get back to Day Ten soon! I promise :-)

 Tonight on my repeat of day nine, instead of eating butternut squash I had a gigantic bowl of spaghetti squash with garlic powder, red pepper flakes and a tinsy bit of butter (which is all approved in this meal). It was so good. I have to confess.. I've been quite a trooper with all of these veggies but I am HATING butternut squash. Something about the texture really grosses me out. When I look at it, they look like sweet potatoes but they are absolutely not sweet potatoes- just mushy orange squash. So spaghetti squash is going to be more my speed during these 20 days I think. 
(picture from Steamy Kitchen)