Day Four: Cheese

Weight: -1.0

I’ve lost another pound. I get so nervous now stepping on the scale.. Lyn says we should look at the number as just scientific data but now I’m spoiled stepping on the scale and losing 2 pounds every morning. It’s like a dream and I’m terrified it will come to a screeching halt like all of my other diets.

I’m so relieved to be done with the “Cleanse” phase of this diet. It is nice to know I have the three days in my back pocket just in case my eating gets out of whack again though. Now onto “The Testing Phase” where we’re supposed to slowly work our way through potential reactive foods. I’ve been waiting for this day for what seems like forever. Today we test my favorite food.. CHEESE! (And coffee, red wine, and chocolate.) This completely confuses me because if you are reactive on the scale how the hell are you going to figure out what you’re reactive to with 4 new things? Confusion. Fingers crossed I’m just not reactive, period.

My lunch is the best, combining my favorite roasted veggies from dinner last night with goat cheese sprinkled on top. I’m so nervous that I’ll be reactive to cheese so I go very lightly on the cheese so that it doesn’t impede weight loss. Everything seemed fine after eating though so that’s a good sign!

For dinner, I think I did a tinsy bit better this time with the broccoli. I loved the idea of using red pepper flakes- it make the taste much more bearable. I still refuse to say I enjoy eating it though.

As if cheese wasn’t a big enough present for surviving the three days of veggie death, I also get to have a small piece of dark chocolate. Delightful. (I decide to skip the red wine for now.. since I’m not a huge drinker to begin with.)

Feeling so much better today.