Day Two: Almonds

Weight: -2.0

Weighed myself and I’m down two pounds! Two pounds in one day. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Obviously a lot of that weight is water weight but still- I’m pleasantly surprised.

Day two is pretty much the same menu but with tiny tweaks. The first dietary test is almonds. Seems to go pretty well.. in the book they mention most people react almost immediately upon eating almonds. I don’t really feel any signs of reactivity and breathe a sigh of relief.
I looked forward to dinner all day long because of the key word RICE. I’m so hungry and all these veggies aren’t really filling up my stomach as much as I would like. The dinner is absolutely delicious- sautéed kale, veggies and brown rice with my new favorite Spicy Coco Sauce.

Generally I’m still feeling pretty crappy. I’m exhausted, weak and hungry. It’s especially difficult between the last meal and sleep. I would recommend just plain staying out of the kitchen- snuggle up with a movie and go to sleep early.